PHONE: +1 757-486-0084


Answers to the questions you want to know

Yes, we can design an addition to match the existing architecture of your home and be able to disguise it not to appear fortified. We can design a new underground shelter to an existing home with hardened connections in case of home invasion, or emergencies.

We are licensed general contractors in Virginia and Oregon only. We can provide construction management services world-wide to assist you with your project.

Yes. HSHS is a member of the UDT-SEAL Association and is associated with several members of the NSW Community. Utilizing one of the former SEAL’s that actually “wrote the book” on Red Team assessments. We can plan an attack on most any site, facility or building, conduct the operation and provide an after-action report on the findings.

Yes, but the client would need to be vetted and we would need to understand the parameters of the mission and extent-legality of the provided services. We have provided personal security and client protection services worldwide.

Yes. One of the partners in HS is a former US Navy SEAL Commander. HS is located in the Virginia Beach area, home to the US Navy’s East Coast Special Operations Services, the SEALS. Our 30+ year relationship with numerous veterans and operatives provides us with a wealth of mission essential capabilities for all types of security, facility protection services, specialized training, personal protection details, etc.

Yes, we have provided this service to numerous past clients by compiling a client specific site selection criteria based on the facility requirements, budget and desired geographic location.

It depends on the end user and country. HS is registered with the US Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls to work with friendly foreign militaries. However, all foreign military projects must be approved by the US Department of State.

Yes, we have worked all thru the Middle East and Europe along with South America and Canada.

It depends on the locality and the regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the area. As design professionals we must design to all local and pertinent building and life safety codes. However, the responsibility for obtaining a building permit falls on the Owner or general contractor. Additionally, we have developed design methodologies that are incorporated into the plans and allow an owner to obtain a building permit without divulging the true purpose or capabilities of the facility.

Yes. However, work with foreign militaries/governments must be approved by the US State Department. Hardened Structures is licensed by the US Department of State to provide professional design servies to approved foreign governments.

Yes, we have worked on numerous US military projects including earth covered magazines, hardened facilities, EMP shielding and C&C facilities.

Yes, we regularly work with architectural firms that have a client that desires a specialized underground, or above ground, shelter designed. In this scenario, we act as a consultant to the design prime and provide stamped, professional drawings-specifications. We can review existing drawings/plans and make recommendations and then incorporate improvements into a final set of documents.

Yes, we have worked for several clients where we never knew their true identity. This was accomplished utilizing several different scenarios, sometimes with the client’s attorneys, sometimes using intermediaries and escrow accounts and other times using a specialized protocol.

Yes, we work on most any type of commercial project for blast/ballistic hardening. We can also provide CBRNE mitigation designs.

The first step is to conduct a Confidential Client Interview and site visit. The interview is necessary to establish the threats and threat levels the facility must be designed to mitigate. It also identifies the assets to be protected, the composition of the client group, duration times, the equipment needed to achieve the facility’s mission and any client or site-specific requirements. The initial site visit allows us to review the property where the facility will be located, identify ingress/egress routes, construction requirements and any geotechnical concerns relating to the construction of the facility. We then compile a cost estimate and overall critical path schedule to plan the project from conception to Owner move-in. After this initial information is collected, the design process is generally the same as with any project starting with programming the facility, space planning, schematic drawings, design development, and construction drawings. We can assist with contractor qualifications-selections, permitting, construction management and inspection services if requested.

We can provide all professional design services for any type of hardened bomb shelter, underground shelter, fortified home, survival retreat or off-grid facility. The programming, planning and architectural designs are performed by our in-house design professionals. Structural, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering designs are performed by our trusted team of core consultants. We can also provide security assessments, Red Team analysis, security designs and Owner training thru our in house former Special Operations personnel. Sustainability, crop cultivation and site-specific amenities are provided by our consultants.

This is typically firearms and personal protection training along with site and facility contingency planning for prior to, during and after an armed assault.

Hardened Structures Hardened Shelters LLC